I featured Amy Okoli on my blog💫🌹

*Introduce yourself

I am Amy Okoli, 17 years old, law student, content creator/YouTuber, and a makeup artist & enthusiast. I am all of that but I’m still a teenager, a feminist, a sister, a friend and a human being.

*What motivated you into being a Make up artist?

I honestly really don’t know what exactly motivated me, but I just started watching YouTube videos on makeup even when I didn’t know what anything was. I found it fun and decided to start practicing.

*Who are the people you look up to in the Make up industry?

I look up to Jackie Aina, considering the fact that she’s a Nigerian and has gone through a lot also look up to Sisi Yemmie, Ronke Raji, Toni olaoye, Stephanie Ani, they are alot.

*Have you ever felt discouraged and decided to drop your passion for Make up?

Lol, I won’t stay decided to stop being a makeup artist, because I don’t necessarily do it as a job but as a hobby, but there was a time I didn’t even want to do makeup on myself cause I was caught up comparing myself to other people that were way higher than me and had better products than me, it was a bad phase but I’m past that and I’m just moving at my own pace and God’s pace.

*What advice to you have for people that wants to go into Make up?

This might be cliché, but just do it, do it cause you love it and bc your find it fun and you enjoy it. Don’t don’t to cover your insecurities or to be like someone else or look like someone else, do it to enhance your beauty and just have fun.

*How can you say the society has helped you?

lol, I don’t know, I think our bad government has helped me to be able to think of doing something for myself at my age, being very aware that even after going to school you might not get  a job, it’s just cool knowing that whatever happens you still have something to do.

*How do you take care of your skin from breaking out even after applying make up products/what products do you use?

I don’t have an acne prone skin to start with, so I just take off my makeup with makeup wipes, wash my face and the moisturize, I use eye cream sometimes if I’m feeling fancy but I don’t see the difference. I’d be posting a skincare routine video on my channel soon tho, so stay tuned.Check her ig @amyokoli for the link to her channel.


  1. Thanks I don't feel insecure anymore

  2. Thanks I feel less insecure now

    1. You're welcome,I'm glad you feel less insecure💕

  3. can feature her on cbl inc www.christianityandbusinesslife.com an llc media company/website

    1. Please send me a mail @mayowaolamide20@gmail.com 😊


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