
I featured Amy Okoli on my blog💫🌹

*Introduce yourself I am Amy Okoli, 17 years old, law student, content creator/YouTuber, and a makeup artist & enthusiast. I am all of that but I’m still a teenager, a feminist, a sister, a friend and a human being. *What motivated you into being a Make up artist? I honestly really don’t know what exactly motivated me, but I just started watching YouTube videos on makeup even when I didn’t know what anything was. I found it fun and decided to start practicing. *Who are the people you look up to in the Make up industry? I look up to Jackie Aina, considering the fact that she’s a Nigerian and has gone through a lot also look up to Sisi Yemmie, Ronke Raji, Toni olaoye, Stephanie Ani, they are alot. *Have you ever felt discouraged and decided to drop your passion for Make up? Lol, I won’t stay decided to stop being a makeup artist, because I don’t necessarily do it as a job but as a hobby, but there was a time I didn’t even want to do makeup on myself cause I was caught u...

Drinking water goes a long way💧

Drinking an adequate amount of water daily is important for overall good health because water aids in digestion, circulation, absorption and even excretion. But what about drinking large amounts of water for proper skin health? Claims have been made that drinking water gives you a radiant, healthy, younger- looking complexion, while others say it has no effect on skin's appearance whatsoever. Which is true? The fact is that skin is an organ, and just like any other part of the body. your skin is made up of cells. And skin cells, like any other cell in the body, are made up of water. Without water, the organs will certainly not function properly or at their best. If your skin is not getting the sufficient amount of water, the lack of hydration will present itself by turning your skin dry, tight and flaky. Dry skin has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling. As water is lost in large quantities every day, you need to replace it somehow. The unfortunate truth ...


I apologise for always posting late,a lot has been going on and I'm just trying to balance myself,but I promise to post at least three times in a week.Thank you for always for checking my blog. I want to enlighten you all about allergies and basic informations to know .  Allergy is a condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance most common types are:  * Drug Allergy: Abnormal reaction of immune system to a medication . *Food Allergy: An unpleasant or dangerous immune system reaction after a certain food is eaten. *Contact Dermatitis: A skin rash caused by contact  with a certain substance. *Latex Allergy:An Allergic reaction to certain protein found in natural rubber latex. *Allergic Asthma:Asthma triggered by exposure  to the same substances that rigger allergy symptom . *Seasonal Allergies:An Allergic response causing itchy,watery eyes,sneezing and other similar symptom. *Animal Allergy:An abnormal immune reaction to prot...

Foods that boost brain power.

I've been gone for too long I know,the witches in my village did not want me to keep you all updated but I'm a conqueror so yes I'm back and better. Nothing much for today just an important piece of information.Been thinking of what to post but then I remembered most of my audiences are now in higher institution and they need to be on top of their grades because that's the main so I have decided to help you by letting you know few foods that will help you boost your brain power,keep your memory,concentration and focus as sharp as it can be. I will be listing the ones I researched on,you can always check the internet for more.☺ *     Wholegrains: Like everything else in our body the brain cannot work without energy.The ability to focus comes from a non-stop supply energy in the form of glucose in our blood to the brain.Achieve this by choosing grains which release glucose slowly into the blood stream,keeping you mentally alert.Go for granary bread,rice and past...
              Junk food : Harmful effects Junk food is high in calories, but low in nutrients. Filling your diet with junk food causes an array of problems for your body. Junk food is often high in sugar, fat and calories, while providing very few nutrients. You can treat yourself to some ice cream or your favourite candy bar once in awhile, but keep your portions to a minimum. The following are some of the harmful effects of junk food; *   Stroke risk *   Weight Gain *   Tooth Decay *    Gastrointestinal Problems Just so you know, your favourite pepperoni pizza and potato chips are high in sodium and this exposes you to nothing but stroke. NOTE: This is just summary. I hope you find it useful enough.